The Poonsivey Prison Match
David Burr
Today on the Poonsivey Prison match we will discuss whether
whether or not Darwin's thwory of evolution is based on racism
and/or sexism and whether or not that makes a case for debunking the theory
altogether. Or, if not debunking the theory, whether or not Darwinism
is in need of a great reformation. Or, can its racist, or what someone
would call racist/sexist, claims be substantiated. If there is a
great intellectual gap between the races and/or sexes, what is the
gene that produces these differences, if they are really there?
Is transgenderism real or is it the product of a delusional mind?
First of all I would like to state that I personally googled the
matter and found out that Darwinism, to some extent, is based on racism
and/or sexism. That doesn't mean that I believe Darwinism should be
eliminated from education or abolished altogether. However I do be-
lieve that Darwinism should undergo a great reformation, just like
what happened to Christianity years ago. The thing I am asking is,
"If Darwinism is not in need of any reformation then isn't Martin Luther
King's dream fundamentally impossible?" However, we now see that African
Americans are being educated more than ever before and thus their IQ's
are increasing because of this. And we now have solid information that
a person's IQ is not stagnent at birth. With education and integration
and proper diet you can drastically increase your IQ. For example, we
know that fish oil is good for individuals with cognitive impairments.
So is lions mane and other nutritional supplemants that are rich in
omega three fatty acids.
As for the transgender question, I don't belive that it is a product
of a delusional mind. As a bio-sexual individual myself, I am well aware that
there are some scientists that believe that the diet of the mother or
father, either before or after impregnation, will alter the brain of
the developing zygote, This could cause the fetus to become either
masculinized or feminized. Depending on whether the baby is either male or female,
will lead to the development of either homosexual or lesbian characteristics.
However, just because homosexuality or lesbianism might be due to poor
diet of the parents and thus genetic in origen does not mean that the
individuals in question are delusional.
And if evolution is proven to be based on racism and/or sexism does
that mean we should reject this ideology? The answer is an emphatic,
"No!" What we should do is reform this concept. For Hitler and Margaret
Sanger used this ideology to found the Nazi and eugenics movements.
However there may be some reason to believe that the evidence for evolution
is starting to become a bit shaky. I will now divulge the reasons why.
For example, recapitulation models hydrogeny. This is a process that
causes all fetuses, forming either in their mothers womb or in an egg,
to resemble fish. However, I was told by a person who appeared very knowledge-
able to me that this is no longer the case. But we still have the fossil
record, as well as other evidence, to suggest that the evolution theory
is as strong as ever.
However, there hasn't been any credible scientist who has come out
openly on TV to say that recapitulation is false. So, let me say this:
I fully believe in evolutionary ideology. However, I also believe this
theory is in need of great reformation. I believe in both literal evolution
and figurative evolution. By figurative evolution I mean evolution as
being symbolic of different states of consciousness that we can enter in to.
What I mean by that is I believe that all life on Earth started as a
microscopic form of life and then literally became man. Also I believe
that there are evolutionary states of consciousness-everything from an
ameba state to a fully human state.
And progressing further to neo-humanity-all the way to the point where
we become one with the cosmos. The ameba state represents mankind before he
realizes that he is God. But, once we realize that we are God-God being
our imaginative state-we go on to become one with the cosmos. You see, if
we take the Einsteinian energy equation and shorten it to just E and you
eliminate any notion of mass in the universe, you essentially have a universe
that is a solidified holigram. By that I mean a universe that is solid and
yet made entirely out of energy. Neville Goddard is quoted as saying that
our imagination is the personification of our divinity and that our imagination
is the single highest power of the universe. Neville believed that we are the
I Am of scripture-the alpha and omega. The way I intend to substantiate that
is by pointing out all the incredible enegy that courses through our body-
especially the brain. Think of how complex the brain is. It is formed in our
mothers womb, from the neuro tube. The brain is multi-layered. We have the
tealoncephalon, which is the brain outer layer otherwise known as the cortex.
Then we have the mesencephalon or mid-brain. Then we have the metencephalon
and the mylencephalon that are the two lower parts. Now, the energy lies in
between the synapses-which is where the axons of one cell meets the dendrites
of another cell. We know that at the rostral end of the brain we have the frontal
lobe and at the cottal end of the brain we have the ogsipatal lobe-where the
visual cortex is contained. This also known as Bromans area seventeen.
Now, when you think of all the intense energy contained in the brain, it
is conceivable that the imagination is the higher power of the universe and that
we go on to a parallel universe that is just like this one, until we inherit
the promise of God or realize our every dream. Once we do that, we become one
with the universe.
Now, there is a first mover. We don't know what this first mover is. There are some
people that say the first mover is God-meaning there is a god outside ourselves.
Others, like me, say that there is a possibility that the laws of physics are
eternal and that one of these four theories created the universe while acting
under the eternal laws of physics. There is the traditional big-bang theory
which states that matter collided with anti-matter and neutrinos to make the
big bang. The big bang was not really an explosion. Instead it was a lot of
energy gathering together at a single point and then expanding. In other words,
out of one point in space grew the entire universe. Others contend that string
theory is correct and that two parallel universes acting on gravity collided
together to make the big bang. Others say that there is universe multiverse-
meaning that our universe is just one universe out of many universes and that
our universe is the only one with life. Others believe in Stephen Hawkins
bubble theory. He contends that the universe came out of a black hole and because
time stands still in a black hole there was no time for a creater. If we believe
that the laws of physics are eternal then we have to belive that a star collapsed
to form a black hole from which the universe came out of.
Now some people would say that these events could not have happened on there
own-there had to be a creator-God-behind them. Others say that this is creating
a god of the gaps. Still others say that with all the diversity of life and the
irreduceable complexity of a single cell that there has to be a creative force out there.
And so what if we are creating a god of the gaps. There will never be an answer,
other than God to satisfy those gaps.
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The Poonsivey Prison Match
David Burr
First of all I wo0uld like to explain the origins of the
Ponsivey Prison Match. The word Poonsivey is a feminization
of the word Poonjavi, which I got from watching the Poonjavi
prison match on wrestling. This match is named after a town in
India named Poonjavi.
Now for the debate forum. This forum is another succession
of the Poonsivey Prison Match.
First of all, I would like to state that LaRai DeGart said,
"I think therefore I am." Therefore the logical implication of this is
if we think therefore we exist, then there must be some higher
thinker out there. However, you can make the counter argument
that says, "Thought alone may be the higher power and we may
be the ones doing the thinking." Think of it this way. When you
consider how complex the human brain and mind are, you would have
to assume that subconsciously we could the universe together
by working together simultanously.
Think about Einsteins famous equation for a second-energy equals
mass times the square of the speed of light. Also, consider the fact
that Einstein explained that space is a fabric known as the
space time continueum. When you think about the fact that the
universe is mostly energy and that there is just enough mass to
hold it all together, you can see why it is concievable that the
human consciousness could hold the universe together. That, plus
the incredible amount of energy emitted from the human brain.
Now, to the issue of evolution versus creation. Evolutionary
dogma states that approximately 14,000,000,000 years ago the
universe began with a big bang. This lead to the galaxies, stars,
and ultimately the planets, Earth included, and the long succession
of mutating microbes, which eventually led to human beings. Some
scientists theorize we will eventually become neo-humanity, which
is the next step in our evolution.
However, could it be that these evolutionary steps are not only
to be interpreted literally, but also symbolically, as states of
consciousness. You have the ameaba state, which is the beginning
before people are fully God conscioss. Then each state, from
austropithace aforenses, all the way to modern man where man becomes
fully God cosciouss. In the future man will gain neohumanity cosc-
iosness where he will become one with the cosmose.
There are parallel universes that come in to play until then.
These parallel universes are universes that are just like this one-
where we continuously come back to until we manifest that God
consciousness. Parallel universe are found in the bible in the book
of Hebrews. Here it says that God made the heavens and the worlds.
Also, the bible says that we are made in Gods image. If you follow
that to its logical conclusion, you get the fact that we are quantum
gods. This means that we are gods through the principle of reductionism.
Also, Jesus said, "I and my father are one so let them be one as we
are one."
That is proof that human consciousness is the I am of scripture.
Now for some scientific evidence of all this. You have the Einstinian
equation, which I mentioned before, plus you have the fact that the
brain is very powerful. To break it down, you have the tealoncephalon,
which is the outer layer of the brain-otherwise known as the cortex.
From there you have the mesoncephalon, or midbrain. From there you have the
met and mialoncephalon sheets.
When you consider that, plus the fact that the axon of one neuron
meets up with the dandrite of another, to produce the synapses, and
the tremendous amount of electrical energy that flows through them
you can see how the imagination can be divine.
Now, to some other theories of creation. First of all, I would like
to state that it is likely that the laws of physics are eternal. If that
is true, that explains why the laws of physics and gravity, which is one
of the laws of physics, can put together a star which eventually collapses
and forms a black hole from which the universe emerges. And, if the laws
of physics are eternal that can explain how two parallel universes could
collide together to make the big bang.
There is also a theory called universe-multiverse. This theory says
that our universe is just one in a whole host of universes known
as the multiverse.
Now you have the universe at the smallest possible scale-the scale of
subatomic particles. An example of these particles is photons, electrons,
gluons, neutrinos, muons, and bozons. These particles make up the base of
the universe. They make up the foundation of everything.
Now, for the history of Jesus and the debate about whether or not he
was actually divine. There is a possibility he was but that is very remote.
He may have been a paranoid schizophrenic and therefore subconsciously
believed he was divine because his brain tricked itself in to believing
that he was. And, because people were ignorant about psychology back then
they could have believed him when he said he was divine. Another possibility
is a political coup could have been concocted by his mother Mary. She may
have thought that having him attract a lot of followers, by her saying he was
from a virgin birth, that he could organize a movement to overthrow
Roman rule. Jesus may have wanted to commit suicide by crucifixtion so that
his followers would bo solidified and thus have greater chance of doing this.
Jesus felt that they would unite under the false pretense that he was the Messiah
and have an imposter pose as him. Judas could have been in on this and known
that Jesus wanted to be crucified! This theory is derived from the pages of
the gospel of Judas.
At the council of Nicea it was decided that the four canonical gospels, that
are in the bible today, be declared the official ones. The reason for this probably
was because. at this time, these were percieved to be the earliest ones written.
(However this may have been an oversight by the Roman officials. Most historians
belive that these were written approximately thirty to fourty years after Christs
crucifixtion.) Could it be that the apostle Paul was behind the organizing of the
new testament since he is given credit for two thirds of it? Historians can not
find any documents from any credible eyewitnesses from this time period who said
that these events indicating his divinity took place. In the epistle of Paul it
said that these events are an alagory and written for your edification! Therefore
it is possible that Paul was saying here that the whole bible-not just the gospels-
is not meant to be taken literally. It is possible that much of the bible was written
by individuals that were either delusional, hallucinating, or had a political
agenda. A charismatic person can persuade people to believe a story or conspiracy
theory no matter how preposterous. Some of the people in the bible may have never
existed but instead may have been states of consciousness that we can enter in to.
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The Great Debate-Does God Really Exist?
David Burr
This is an example of a debate between an evolutionist
and a creationist
olutionist: "This is what you were most likely taught if you went
to a public school. Evolution first begins, when
you combine it with physics, at approximately
14,000,000,000 years ago. The big bang began
when a single infinately small dot expanded and
became the building blocks for the stars,
planets, and everything else in the universe. According
to Stephen Hawking this dot was the center of a
black hole. If Hawking's theory is true there could
not be a creator because time would have been still
before the big bang.
After the big bang, we come to the evolution of the
milky way-during which clouds of dust and gas coalesed
to form stars-including our sun. Some of this dust coalesed
in to planets, including our planet.
Next comes the heavy bombardment. This was asteroids and comets
hitting our planet. A near-Earth-sized planet collided
with us and the resulting debris formed the moon. Some
of the comets brought ice. This ice melted and, fortunately,
the water did not evaporate but formed a thick layer of
clouds. At first our planets surface was so hot that any
rain quickly returned to the clouds, but eventually it
cooled enough for the oceans to form.
As the oceans were forming, the first microscopic
algae formed on the surface. By photosyntheses, the algae
created oxygen.
Then, in the oceans, ameabas and similar life forms
evolved. After this came the first multi-celled organisms
such as the paramesians and the jellyfish. Then came the first
solidified animals, such as the arthropods and the mollusks.
Some examples of the earliest arthropods would be the anovulacarus,
terragotus, and the brontoscorpion. None of these solid animals had bones,.
Fish were evolving simultanously. One of the first fishes
was the cealacanth.
Some of these fish evolved in to amphibians. The first
amphibian arrived on land right after the first arthropod
arrived on land. This was hymnerpatent.
After that, the first reptiles formed-such as postesercus
and cyledot. Later on, some of these reptiles evolved
in to dinasaurs, such as celathisus. Celathisus marked the
end of the age of mammal-like reptiles.
Then came the age of mammals. Shortly after that, the
first hominids-austropithacene apherensus-appeared. The most
popular of these was known as Lucy. The evolutionary dead
end of these was austropithacene robustus. Two hominids
evolved out of austropithacene apherensus-apherensus boisei
and homo habelaus. The boisei died out because there was no meat
in their diet. The homo habelaus carried on because they
were meat eaters and they even had tools advanced enough
to get bone marrow. The fat from the meat enhanced their
brain development.
Homo habelaus evolved in to homo agasta. Homo agasta evolved
in to homo erectus. Then, later on, there was homo neanderthalus
and homo sapien living together simultaneously. Homo
neanderthalus died out due to a lack of creativity and then
homo sapien evolved in to homo sapien sapien-modern man.
This is only a fraction of the evidence that God does
not exist."
Creationist: "The irreduceable complexity of the
bacteria Flugellum proves creation.Just look at all the parts
of that organism and see a creator."
Evolutionist: "But if you remove some of the parts of the bacteria
flugellum you no longer have a bacteria flugellum-instead you
have the bacteria that caused the bubonic plague."
Creationist: "Even though life can exist without complexity you
would not have the diversity of life without a creator."
Evolutionist: "That is rubbish. Life has been around
for millions of years. That is plenty of time for life
to evolve in to complex forms."
Creationist: "If the big-bang theory is true there would have to be a creator before
it occured."
Evolutionist:"You have created the
god of the gap. This gap will eventually be filled with scientific
Many evolutionists believe string theory. This theory holds
that two parallel universes collided together to form the big bang."
Creationist: "It would take a creator to guide
these parallel universes."
Evolutionist:"Once again you refer to the god of the gaps.
The best evidence for the bible is the Dead Sea acrolls and the
works of Flavius Josephus. This evidence can be interpreted in
different ways. And even though most historians believe that
Jesus Christ existed and that many parts of the Old Testament
are fact, they certainly do not all believe that Jesus was divine
or that way-out stories, such as the Adam and Eve, Noahs ark,
and Abraham and Isaac story, are true."
Creationist: "What about the way that the god of the bible changes your
life if you serve him?"
Evolutionist: "How do you know that your mind is not tricking itself in to making you believe
something is true, just because you want it to be true? In other
words, an intellectualized self-delusion."
Creationist: "What about Einsteins theory where he says that time
is relative throughout the cosmos? In other words, as God stretched
out the space fabric, time was passing in deep space at the same
rate as on our planet. And that means it would not take billions
of years for a comet to reach Earth."
Evolutionist: "So what about time being relative throughout the cosmos. All that
proves that time is the same wherever you go. It would still take
billions of years for a comet to travel from one side of the cosmos
to the other."
Creationist: "What abou the Austin chalk? A scientist said that
this chalk covers the entire Earth? This would prove that there
was a worldwide flood."
Evolutionist: "Yes there may have been a world wide flood. But
that still is not adequate proof for the Noah's ark story. How
could you fit two of every creature on something that small? And
where would Noah get their food and how would he keep the ark clean!"
Creationist: "What about the radio isotope and carbon fourteen datings?
We have calibrated the ratio of accelerated nuclear decay,
as well as the amount of carbon fourteen in the rocks. We have found
that the rocks are decaying at a much faster rate than was
previously thought. Also, we found out that the level of carbon
fourteen in the rocks is less than what evolutionists found out.
This proves that the earth is much younger than previously speculated."
Evolutionist: "We are scientists and have done accurate calculations
for years. I find it hard to believe that we could have done mis-
calculations. If we did, we would not have kept that secret-
especially if these new findings had proved that Heaven and Earth are
as young as what the bible says!"
Creationist: "This may seem irrelevant now, but we have found the
remains of Noah's ark on the side of Mt. Ararat. And also, there
is a possibility that we have found the Ark of the Covenant in
either Egypt or Isreal."
Evolutionist: "These are just bible stories that are backed up by
shaky evidence.
What good has Christianity, Islam, and Judaism done for us? They all go back to a character named Abraham
who had an illegitimate son Ishmael via one of his wife Sarah's hand maidens,
and then later sired a son Isaac via Sarah. How could any rational person
believe that God would literally test Abraham's faith by requesting
him to kill Isaac?
Have these faiths really made the world a better place to live?
Most religions either pagan or monotheistic have caused trouble
due to fanatacism amoung some of their followers. The most modern
example is Islamic jihadism. And look at how American Christians
supported George W. Bush's desire to invade Iraq and throw out
Hussean evin though there was no real evidence of weapons of mass destruction.
Just look at the history, back in the Middle Ages, of the Catholic
church prosecuting non-believers and executing heretics. Look
at the witchcraft craze back in colonial New England!"
Creationist: "Yes, it is a fact that some innocent people have suffered
because of fanaticism. But look at how Christianity made our na-
tion so great because of its principles. These principles-especially
the work ethic-enabled us to have the highest standard of living
of most any society around back just before our revolution. And after
the revolution too. I doubt that we could have become such a great nation
without Christianity."
Evolutionist: "Wasn't George Washington in fact Adam Wisefat who
was secretly a member of the Illuminati and the Free Masons? And
aren't we still ruled by the British banking system? And aren't the
Rockefellers and Rothchilds still in control of the world today?
Isn't it true that all our worlds history is false even the World
War 2 history? Wasn't World War 2 fought to put Isreal in power?
What about the possibility that George Bush knew ahead that the
9/11 attack was going to happen? Could it be that it was not really
planes that hit the twin towers? Holigrams could have been used to
fake a plane attack when in reality it was lasers. And lasers can
be used to manipulate the weather now that the HAARP (high-frequency active aureal project) project is ob-
selete. If God really exists why does he allow our government, and
other governments, to have lasers and other devices that can manipulate
the weather and do other things to harm our planet? Before lasers
our government had the HAARP project. This was a project that could
manipulate the weather, cause earthquakes, and manipulate your mind.
It did this by emitting high frequency electromagnetic waves. ( This
project was explained in more detail on the Chuck Harder talk show,
back in the mid 1990's.) And, on Google, there is a site on which
the host claims that our government has a cloning center. And what
about the possibility that Vernon Von Brahm, back in World War II,
built a time machine modeled after Nikola Tesla's? Is it also concievable
that our government is ran by evil reptilians from another dimension?
All these conspiracy theories substantiate the fact that we have a
wonderful imagination. And once your imagination is no longer limited
by religion, you can come up with these theories. Even though these theories
can not be backed up by evidence I believe that a little bit can be
And also, look at what happens when man decides to break away from
theology and embrace science. There are some faiths, such aS the pagan
societies of ancient Rome and Egypt, that have embraced science but
today these faiths are in the minority. There is a possibility that
Tesla could have based some of his way-out inventions on the inventions of
legendary societies such as Atlantis. One example of these way-outs is
the Tesla death ray. The death ray worked by means of a coil system
in which multiple coils were stacked upon each other in a vacuum tube,
and a big charge going through them. The next invention is the mind
reading device. The mind reading device works kind of like a camera.
You place goggles around the eyes. You place EEG wires on the skull.
Then radiation from outside enters the goggles. The radiation goes past
the iris in to the pupil. Then the radiation is met by a strong electro-
magnetic current that is coursing through the brain where the wires pick
it up and drag it to a computer or television. There is also an antenna
next to this computer. The antenna sends the persons thoughts in to deep
where it can read the information from the planets and stars all around
it Then the thoughts go back in to the antenna, then to the television,
and then in to the brain. We owe inventions like this, theories like
string and bubble theory, and so on, to the wonderful human mind
not being bottled up by blind faith and theology."
Creationist: "Let me reiterate. Such theories, not matter how way-out
they may be, only show the complexity of the human brain which can only
be designed by a creator."
Evolutionist: "Here is a creator that we can all rely upon. It is us-
Homo sapien-sapien and our wonderful imagination. This view is held the
late teacher and philosopher-Neville Goddard. Goddard believed that humans started
off as gods. These gods remained gods in human form up to this day. For,
even though our bodies die, our imagination, and how we created it and
shaped the world with it, goes on forever. And furthermore I am leaning
toward the possibility that we may all be nothing more than an illusion.
The way I substantiate this is based on what Einstein said about how the
Earth and entire universe is mostly energy. Tesla took this a step further
by saying that we are nothing but energy. And if you really believe your
bible, like you say you do, why don't you believe that the Earth is flat?
Doesn't the bible say, 'The pillars of the earth are the Lord's and he has
set the world upon them?' Also there is a possibility that you might not be
able to go in to outer space because our planet has a dome around it? This
could explain why Columbus never fell off the earth. And also, when NASA
takes photos of our planet they are merely pasting together images. How-
ever, to me, all of this sounds like information that is meant to be plunged
in to obscurity. However, as I said in the beginning, there is a possibility
that everything that we have been taught in our schools is fallacy and
can not be relied upon. But I am highly suspicios of anyone who says that
what we have been taught in public schools is unreliable even though I
believe what Neville Goddard taught. And to anyone who believes in an
afterlife, I say, 'I believe that when you die your soul goes to another
time period where you either come back as yourself or reincarnate. But I
think that anyone who has a near-death experience where they experience an
afterlife other than the one I specified, is merely hallucinating. These
hallucinations are a last-minute event where the mind tricks itself in to
believing something that is not true."
Creationist: "What about the highly educated and trained doctors who have already
declared the patients to be dead and therefore the mind could not be around
to trick itself?"
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Is There a Supreme Being?
David Burr
First of all I would like to make a few points.
If God really exists, why does he allow children to be born
in extreme poverty? Why does he allow birth defects? Why does
he allow diseases such as alsheimers disease, schizophrenia,
bipolar disorder, depression etc? Why does God allow destructive
weather? Why does he allow man to manipulate the weather?
And, why doesn't God literally reveal himself in a way that
we can believe in him by sight rather than by blind faith? Common
sense would tell anyone that if there is a god, especially one like
the one described in the bible or the Koran, that he would literally
come down and say, "I am the lord! If you don't believe in and follow
me you are going to be condemned forever."
And why would God allow me to go to a special school where I was
always being picked on? And why didn't I have a normal Mom? If there
is truly a god of love, why was I created with a disability and why did
I have a Mom who was disabled and unable to care for me without assistance?
That is unfair for both me and for my dad.
This is why, to this day, that I believe that God is merely a state of
consciousness-nothing more than a part of the human imagination.
But, with this belief, I have found a way to get several jobs and to
study for my GED. And I have nothing to credit that for except for
my wonderful human imagination. I have discovered, for myself, that
imaginary acts become facts and that it is your imagination that gives
you your blessing-not anything outside yourself.
And now, let me provide you with some evidence for both sides of
the coin. First of all, I would like to say that if you go by the biblical
narrative of creation, all humanity came from two people approximately
six-thousand years ago. This story obviously conflicts with what scientists
have discovered by fossils as well as by carbon fourteen dating and radio
isotope dating! But, some scientists believe that the ratio of acceler-
ated nuclear decay happens a lot faster than mainstream scientists. Also,
some scientists question the fossil record because in it there are miss-
ing links. Also, some scientists say that there has to be a creator because
of the irreduceable complexity of a single cell. One example of this is
the bacterium flugellum cell which has multiple parts and thus is irreduceably
complex. It is kind of like an outboard motor. An outboard needs all of
its parts to function-just like a living cell does. It is kind of like
a mousetrap. A mousetrap ceases to be a mousetrap if some parts are missing.
But, the mainstream scientists would say, "Even if you don't have all
the parts to a mousetrap you still have a tieclip. So, even if you don't
have all the parts to a bacterium flugellum you have all the necessary
parts to the bacterium that causes the bubonic plague. This proves that
simple life can evolve in to complex life."
Some scientists would counteract by saying that you wouldn't have such
wide diversity without complexity. And of course the mainstream scients would
then say, "What about the 4.5 billion years of earth history? That should be
plenty of time for simple life forms to evolve in to complex ones." But I disagree. Some
other scientists might ask, "What about Einsteins theory of relativity?
Didn't he show that time passes the same in deep space as it does here?
If that is the case, then you can make a compelling argument that as God
stretched out the space fabric, time was passing the same in deep space as here.
Therefore you have compelling evidence for an Earth
that is much younger than previously believed. Therefore, when you
nullify the time factor you couldn't have standard evolution, like most
scientists believe." Then the mainstream scientists would say, "What
about a comet passing through the universe? It takes billions of years for a comet to
go from one end of the universe to the other. And frankly, we don't even
know for sure if there is an end to the universe!" A minority of scientists
would say, "How come recapitulation models hydrogeny? We no longer have
any evidence that life began in the ocean. Recapitulation was trying
to prove that all babies in the mothers womb at first look like fish and
we have found that this is not true." (However, I got this information
from professor Hank Handegroff, who is a devout bible believong Christian.
Therefore he is probably biased.) Mainstream scientists would then say,
"What about mud skippers and lungfish and the cealacanth? Don't they indicate
that there might be transitional species that began life in the ocean and
then moved on to land? And what about fossils of hynerpathent-which was
the earliest amphibian to crawl out of the ocean?"
Let me just reiterate my point about children: If God is all powerful and
filled with love why does he allow suffering-especially amoung children
and innocent people?
And now here is more evidence:Think about all the fossils that we have found!
Yes, the fossil record is incomplete but there are more than enough fossils
in the record to suggest that God-at least the god in the Abrahamic faiths-
does not exist. And if God is really loving why would he start us out as lower
primates? For example, what about austrolapihacene apherenses? Most scientists
think that this was the ape man that evolved in to modern humans. And this animal
was able to actually make a few speech sounds even though his brain wasn't
developed enough to where he could talk. Then there was austrolapithacene robustus
which ended up to be an evolutionary dead end.
Now creation scientists would say, "You have entangled yourself in your own speech.
There are so many branches of ape men and humanoids that one can hardly tell where one
branch begins and ends. You leave yourself with to many question marks and not enough
answers. And as I specified before, there are far to many missing links. And there
are alternate evolution theories as to how the universe came in to existence.
String theory is one example. There are several examples of string theory. There is
M theory which is the most popular. Like the rest of the string theories it combines
Einsteins notion of gravity, which is different from Newton's notion of gravity.
Newton's notion of gravity is just a theory that believes that objects are held to
the ground by gravitational force. Einsteins theory states that gravity not only
holds objects together but also covers the expanse of the space-time continueum.
String theory takes Einsteins gravity theory and combines it with electromagnetism.
Gravity is the weakest of the forces. However, in a black hole gravity overcomes
all the other forces. String theory also takes gravity and electromagnetism and
combines these forces with the strong nuclear force. The strong nuclear force is
what pulls objects together. The strong nuclear force is the strongest of the
forces. The weak nuclear force, which is what pushes atoms apart, is the socond
weakest of all the forces. There are ten dimensions of space and one of time. These
dimensions are the result of compactification, which is a fancy way of saying that
the dimensions are small. And, there are parallel universes woven in to the fabric
of our universe. Two parallel universe membranes collided together to make the big bang.
Now that is just M theory. Then, there is a form of string theory that has nine
dimensions of space and one of time,. Then there is super-string theory that has only the
standard four dimensions. In this theory they substitute charge for the extra
dimensions. Then there is the bulk space theory where you have the ten or eleven
dimensions stacked upon each other in a higher dimensional bulk space. To put it in
human understanding, they are miles apart, but they are actually light years apart.
Then there is bubble theory-a theory created by Stephen Hawking. Bubble theory states that
the universe was made in a black hole. Since time stands still in a black hole, there
was no time for a creator. Then there is universe multiverse theory which states
that our universe was just a fortunate universe to have life-just one universe
in a plethora of many universes."
To sum it up, these creation scientists are saying that the evolutionists are
confused because the evolutionists have so many theories.
The evolutionists counter argument is, "Just because there are many theories
that does not have to mean there is a creator. Yes there is some confusion but we
are learning new things all the time. And you can not create a god of the gaps."
Here is my opinion: I believe that our imagination is god and that we human
beings are the gods. I believe that God came down and divided himself in to multiple
parts and took the form of mortal man because he wanted to see what it is like to be
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Asian history and Philosophy
David Burr
Japanese history
The Japanese believe that the main goddess went to hell and that
the main god tried to free her from hell but the hell counsel refused.
Ancient Japan was a matriarchal society. The empress was in charge of
Japan and they had goddess worship but the brother of the empress ruled
from behind even though the empress was in charge.
But, sometime between anciant Japan and the age of the Shoguns, Japan
became patriarchal and Japan remained this way all the way up to today.
Throughout this period the Japanese worshipped their emperor. After the
end of the Shogunate and the Meiji Restoration, emperor worship became much
stronger as the Japanese practiced state Shinto. This emperor worship came about
by the myth, which a very small minority believe today, that the main god was cast
down from heaven. This main god spotted a man that was battling a giant
serpent. The main god killed the serpent and pulled out a mystical sword
from the serpents belly. He handed the sword to the man, or at least I think
he did. But the main goddess took the credit. Anyway, the Japanese belived that
their emperor was divine because he was a descendent from that god and goddess.
Ancient Japan got most of its goods from China. The Momgols invaded Japan
during this period. But the navy of the Mongols was not clever enough to navigate
the Sea of Japan and thus they were unable to conquer. Then later on, during
the Shogunate, Japan tried to conquer Korea but they failed.
During the Shogunate, the primary religions of Japan were Shinto, which is a
form of nature worship, and Buddhism. The two main forms of Buddhism then, as well
as now, are Pureland and Zen. The Pureland Buddhists believe that if you
meditate and recite the Buddhas name over and over again you will be transferred
to a pure land upon your death. But the Zen Buddhists believe that salvation
is achieved but clearing your mind of all thoughts and focusing on nothing.
After World War One, a Japanese man predicted that there would be three more
world wars: World War Two, World War Three-which would be fought against the
U.S., and World War Four-the entire Orient versus the West. As everyone knows,
during World War Two, Japan tried to conquer China. During this war, America tried
very hard to get the emperor-Hirohito-to renounce his divinity.
It is our opinion that this man who predicted two more world wars based his
opinion on the belief that in the future Japan and the Orient would become fanatic nationalists
and want to destroy the West, including the United States, because of an irrational
belief that the West is corrupting their culture by promoting materialism and
runaway capitalism. (But they will fail to realize corruption in their countries!)
Now a little bit of Indian philosophy: The Hindus have a caste system. This caste
system is built on Brahma. It is also built on how much Caucasoid you have in your blood.
Generally put, the more Caucasian you are, the higher up you are on the Hindu caste-or
so I think. But what I do know for sure is is that every Hindu wants to b e around Brahma"s
arms and torso and not around his feet. To be around his feet would mean that you are in
the lower caste. Also, Mohamar Ghandi was a fruitatarian-meaning that he only ate fruit
and seeds.
The primary religion in China is Buddhism.
Back to Ghandi: he would fast often and drink nothing but water. He also believed in passive resistance.
Because of this belief, he was a good spiritual leader.
In China, they have a spiritual leader called a dolylama. There is another religion in China,
Jadeism, in which the followers are strict vegetarians. Some of them
take it to the extent to where they will not eat any root vegetables, such as beets.
Some Jadeists believe in starving yourself to death so that you can obtain a better reincarnation.
There are several types of Chinese Buddhism. Some Buddhists believe in salvation by works,
as I specified in an earlier paragraph. Some, like Calvinistic Christians, believe in salvation
by faith.
Back to the dolylama: The dolylama followers believe that when the current dolylama dies he
comes back in the form of a child which will inherit the past dolylamas characteristics and
then rise to become the new dolylama.
I believe that anciant China was the most prosperous in the Manchu and Sung dynasties. But China
probably enjoys more prosperity now than any time in the past! Also, the reason the Communists
came to power, under Mao Te Sung, is because of the Japanese invasion-which weakened a Communist
opposition movement-thus leading China down the road to militarism.
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The Christian bible-Fact or Fiction?
David Burr
First of all, there are no historical records
of a Moses existing at the time of the Moses mentioned
in the Bible, except for the Pharoah Tut Moses.
There is a very slight possibility that the Moses of
the Bible and Tut Moses were the same person but
there is no proof of this. Most historians who be-
live in the biblical Moses, believe he existed at the
time of Ramsey the Second-the time when Egypt was beginning
to decline.
The only evidence we have suggesting that the biblical
Moses may have existed are the Dead Sea scrolls. These
scrolls are supposed to be original copies of both
the Old and New testaments. They also include copies
of the gnostic gospels-gospels which Christians have
shunned as untrue ever since the Council of Nicea.
Let us examine some of the stories in the Old Test-
ament: Could a human being really come from the dust
of the ground? Did God really create the world in
seven days? (Maybe this scripture was not meant to
be taken literally-i.e. maybe a day was supposed to be
a million years!)
What prophecies in the Old Testament have come to pass
other than the one predicting Jesus and his supposed divinity?
I would think that logic would tell most people that
if he was really divine that he would have returned by now,
as Messiah, to set up his kingdom-the kingdom mentioned
in Revealation. (You think we need a one-world government?)
And how reliable is the evidence that Jesus was re-
ally divine? Well, many Christians, especially evangelicals,
would argue, "If Christ was not divine this Christan faith
would have never come about because the resurrection and
ascension stories would have died out very shortly after
he was crucified." But do these believers realize that both after and
shortly before the Council of Nicea that Christians
who doubted Christs divinity and believed in the gnostic
gospels were afraid to speak their beliefs? At this time
the Christians who belived he was divine were persecuting
them for heresy.
My friend Dale was told by some so-called modern day prophets
that he was going to receive a beautiful wife, that was really
his hearts desire. He was also told that if he gave his money
to God and really lived a Christian life that he would be
blessed beyond meausure-like the Bible says in Deuteronomy
twenty-eight. He was also told by these same prophets that he
would have a ministry by now and that he himself was called to
be a prophet.
Back in 2005, a voice that was claiming to be God told me
that if I praised God enough that he would give me the ability
to speak in tounges. God also told me that he would heal
my Mom, who was then in a nursing home. I now think that
that voice was just my schizophrenia. Even though I still
have the ability to speak in tounges, I no longer take God
seriously because Mom is still in the nursing home-in worse
condition than back then. (By tounges, I don't mean foreign
languages-I mean the jibberish that the Pentecostal and
Charismatic Christians talk about.)
I now belive that the true power lies with the power of
our own intellect and meditation-not in an all-powerful
god who cares about the worlds problems. Just to reiterate,
I wanted so bad to belive in the god of the Bible that my
mind tricked myself in to believing like this. But after hav-
ing promise after promise unfulfilled my belief in the god
of the Christian bible has come to nothing. But, I still be-
lieve in God. I believe that he is a god who just guides evolution.
I also believe in the power of my third eye-that is my pineal
gland. This is a fancy way of saying, "As long as we keep our
third eye open and unite our collective consciousness we may
be gods ourselves."
Also I would like to say that I believe in the evolutionary
processes that govern our planet-such as variation along
genetic boundaries, natural selection, and mutation.
My friend Dale said that there is a passage in the New Test-
ament that mentions Jesus telling his disciples, "There are some
of you that will not taste death until I return in great power
and glory." Why didn't he return back then when the world
was a lot worse off than today?
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Evidence for and Against God
David Burr
First of all, I would like to make a statement that I've made in
other debates like this: I'm only debating with myself.
Now, in the 1960's there was a scientist named Dean Kenyan who believed
in something called bio-chemical predestination. This is a theory that
all life on Earth began as a result of sheer bio-chemistry. This scientist
mixed carbon monoxide with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen, thinking
that this would create life. But he failed. He then decided to add sulphuric
acid to this, and by doing this he created simple bacteria! Then he per-
formed some more experiments to see if this bacteria would grow in to more
complex life. He discocevered that the bacteria would not grow without
DNA and RNA. DNA and RNA trigger amino acids to become proteins and this
enables simple life to evolve in to more complex life over very long
periods of time.
This is what atheistic evolutionists believe. Theistic and deistic evolutionists
believe in the same theory, but with the exception that there is a god
to guide this.
A theist believes in a personal creator-in other words a god who takes
an interest in his creation, including people. A deist believes in a creator
that does not take an interest in his creation.
A religious person typically believes in a personal creator. Christians
and Muslims believe this way.
The creationist argument to all this evolutionary speech is that the
irreduceable complexity of a single cell proves thast there has to be
a creator. An example of this irreduceable complexity is the bacterium
flugellum. This bacterium has all of its parts put together like a
motor. Kind of like a mouse trap ceases to be a mouse trap without all
of its parts because it to is irreduceably complex.
However, the evolutionist counter argument to all this is that if you
remove some of the parts from the bacterium flugellum you no longer have
a bacterium flugellum. Instead, you have the bacterium that caused the bu-
bonic plague. Just like if you remove some of the parts from the mouse
trap you no longer have a mouse trap-instead you have a crude looking
tie clip. Therefore, simple life could have evolved in to more com-
plex life.
The creationist counter argument is that if this were true there would not
be as much diversity to life. But the evolutionist says, "If you allow
for enough time you could easily have simplistic life evolve in to
complex life."
The creationist would then reply, "How can you get all that time? The
universe is nowhere near 14,000,000,000 years old! Even Einstein said,
with his general theory of relativity, that time is relative throughout
the cosmos. As God stretched out the space fabric time was passing the
same way in deep space as it does on our planet. Therefore the earth
can not be any more than six-thousand years old and the cosmos no
older than ten-thousand."
The evolutionist would then reply, "It would take millions, if not billions,
of years for a comet to go from one end of our galaxy to another. Therefore,
both the universe and our planet have to be a lot older than you specified."
The creationist would say, "What about the fuzzy math that you evolutionists
use to get a false reading on the radio isotope and carbon 14 dating? You
dramatically alter the ration ratio of accelerated nuclear decay and carbon
The evolutionist counter argument would be, "The math can not be fuzzy.
It is either correct or incorrect. If you crunch the numbers properly, you
would see the results that we currently have within the confines of our possession."
And now I would like to turn things over to the historian, Dale Holsinger.
"I Dale say, 'Back in ancient Rome there were these things that were
hiding away in a cave called the Gnostic gospels. They also simultaniously found
the four gospels presently in the bible New Testament. Now, Emperor Constantine
had eliminated the Gnostic gospels at the Council of Nicea. And there is some
debate as to how close the vote was at this council. Anyway, the Gnostic
gospels do not contain any information suggesting proof of the divinity of
Jesus Christ. These Gnostic gospels all contradict Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John. There is debate amoung historians as to which gospels were written
'Now for some biblical evidence for and against the bible.
against: God deciding to kill everyone on Earth because of their
intermarrying with the fallen angels. While this may be immoral,
there certainly would be no sense of a god creating a flood
to kill everyone on Earth! This, plus God destroying all the
citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sexual deviations.
Wouldn't common sense tell you that the average thinking
person would think that this god was a cruel tyrant? And how
would God expect to put two of every creature on that ark?
(Must have been pretty stinky having all those animals on
there for fourty days!)
There are some contradictions in God's personality. In some
parts of the bible, such as the part I just described, God is
portrayed as an evil tyrant. However, when you flash forward
to one of the stories written about the prophet Elijah you
have God blessing a woman at Saraphat for giving Elijah
the last piece of cake. God made sure that this womans store-
house never again ran out of meal.
These are some examples of how the bible disproves itself.
I would find it hard to think that any thinking person, after
reading these contradictions, could believe the bible is Gods word.
for: When you consider the fact that it says in the book of Genesis
that we are made in Gods image. You must figure that, because of
that, God has a personality just like us. In other words, God
is capable of showing wrath and judgement as well as goodness
and mercy. So, these contradictions show one half of Gods personality.
And even though it may appear that God has a split mind, he
actually has just one personality.
against: You must look at King Saul in the bible, as well as Moses. When
Saul was at war with Isreal's enemies, God told him to not only
kill the enemy soldiers but also all of the women and children!
(Don't you think that if God were really loving he would have told
Saul to spare the children?) God also asked Saul to kill the
animals by the edge of the sword. Saul did this and offered the
animals up as a burnt offereing. But that was against God's wishes
-he had told Saul just to leave the animals on the ground. So,
as a punishment he departed from Saul. Then, after David killed
Goliath and was being prepped to be king, Saul got jealous of him.
God punished Saul by sending an evil spirit to punish him until
Saul died by comitting suicide.
And why would a loving god instruct Abraham to kill his only
son Isaac just to test his faith! And why didn't God tell
Jephtah, "Do not offer any person to me as a sacrifice just for
winning battles-that is evil!"
neutral: Here is something to think about. Hitler based a lot of his
beliefs on the theory of evolution. Does that mean evolution is
morally corrupting? No. Hitler and the Nazis corrupted it by
fanatically embraceing the eugenics teachings of Margaret Sanger.
Hitler also corrupted the bible by using the bible to substantiate
his belief that the Jews are criminals because all of their ancestors-
back in the time of Jesus Christ-wanted him dead. In reality, most
of those Jews loved Jesus. It was the Sanhedron Jews that wanted
him dead."
And now David takes over for Dale: The Islamic faith is another faith where
the people who believe in it make it seem corrupted. In other words they fuel
the fire of those who do not believe in Islam. This jihad, which a small minority
of Muslims keep rageing for, is actually the correct way of interpreting the
Koran. The Koran was formed as Mohammed entered in to a cave where an angel told
him to recite. According to Islamic teachings, all the words in the Koran were
given to Mohammed by this angel. Because the Koran emphasizes militancey, many
people could be turned off by the Muslim faith because they believe their God,
Allah, is cruel.
The same could also be said of the Christian god. Wouldn't common sense and
reasoning make the average person wonder why a god would want to have a city
destroyed because its people practiced sexual deviation-or because
they worshiped idols? (As long as the citizens minded their own business and
didn't harm their neighbors, why would the neighbors care?) Shouldn't the angels
who visited Sodom and Gomorrah made themselves more obviously divine instead
of appearing like men?
Why doens't God provide more scientific evidence for his existence? Or, why
doesn't God actually appear, whether it be in a cloud or what, and announce in
a big booming voice, "I am God! Listen to me."
Some things, like those that I just specified, would make it harder for the
average person to believe in god, or a god that actually cares.
And now, for some more scientific evidence for and against a creator.
against: Steven Hawking said that if you rewind the universe to the very
beginning you would have a miniature black hole. Because time
stands still in a black hole there would be any time to create
a creator.
for: What happened before the black hole? Doesn't there have to be
a creator to make a black hole?
against: We may not have needed anything more than just simple matter and
energy to create the black hole. Besides, Steven Hawking also
said that the universe is eternal.
for: String theory suggests that two parallel universe membranes
collided together to create the big bang. Therefore, there had
to be something behind the parallel universes, guiding them.
against: Not necessarily. We all know that gravity warps and curves the
space-time fabric around a mass. This means that the laws of motion
acting on the forces of gravity could have caused the parallel
universes to collide. Then there is the universe-multiverse
theory. This theory suggests that our single universe was just
one in a long series of multiverses. In other words, it could
have just been nothing more than random chance that our universe
was selected out of a number of others. You see, when you have
millions of universes potentially your chances go way up of
selecting one that has life.
for: The bulk-space theory is anew way of looking at string theory.
String theory states that there is ten dimensions of space and
one of time. However, these eleven dimensions are the result
of a process called compactification-a process that compacts
them together very tightly on a small scale. Now, the bulk space
theory maintains that the universe is part of a larger bulk space
where the ten spatial dimensions are towering on top of each other
millions of miles apart. (In Earth dimensions this amounts to only
three or four miles apart!) Ten dimensions stacked on each other
but millions of miles apart leaves room for a god to exist beyond
the realm of space and time. Ultimatly,this is due to the superior
size of the bulk-space universe.
against: A god existing out of the realm of space and time would ultimately
prove to be nothing more than the god of the gaps. And, why would
god allow all the atrocites comitted by human beings and acts of nature?
for: AS Dale and I constantly discuss, the ultimate conclusion of all
this "for and against" debating has to be that God gives man a
method of escape. This method of escape is reincarnation. Rein-
carnation allows man to take the consequences of his behaviour
on Earth whether or not that behaviour was good or evil. If his
behaviour in one life is evil,then evil awaits him in the next
life and in this next life he will be a lesser being. If he was good,
he will become a greater being. Even though there is not much
evidence for reincarnation, some children and adults have testified
that they remember a past life. (But this could be simply nothing
more than self-delusion!) Ultimately, reincarnation, along with
any belief of a spititual nature, has to be taken on faith. I
believe that if God exists he is indifferent to his creation. And
my friend Dale and I both believe that the only god/gods that care
about human beings is/are the ones of the imagination. In other words if
we humans tap in to the god of our imaginations, we can change the world
around us dramatically. Essentially, we are like what Jesus said
in the bible, "I and God are one." Our imagination is the god that
we are one with and that is the creative force that holds the uni-
verse together. The devil is either self-doubt or lack of self
confidence. The higher god outside of us is indifferent but he
created us not to worship him, but to project our world through
our consciousness-thus altering the course of our daily lives. The
reason why we know that our imagination can alter our physical
universe is because our universe is not really physical-it is an
illusion. You see, the universe according to Einstein is mostly
energy. Only a little bit of matter holds it together. Because
the universe is mostly energy, that is how we can prove that it is
indeed an illusion. Nikola Tesla said that all the universe is
nothing more than energy. Tesla proved this by his theories on
mechanical resonance. According to these theories, anything, in-
cluding the Earth will explode if it is hit by the correct frequ-
ency. (Fortunatly this frequency is almost impossible to find
because it would fall within the range of an extremely tiny frac-
tion of a hertz!) Some scientists theorize that this is what caused
the walls of Jericho to fall.
conclusion: To sum it all up, Dale and I find it very hard to believe in a
god outside of our human imaginations. However, scientists will
continue to look for evidence. Until next time, this is David
and dale bidding you farewell.
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Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:
A Brief Summary of U.S. and World History
David Burr
(most of this you may already know)
First of all, I would like to say that these are only the official
reports, like what we have been taught in school. Lots of our history
has been altered by the Rothchild's and Rockefeller's.
The Rothchilds are a family unit and their total resources are
estimated to be in the trillions. (Approximately $12,000,000,000,000)
This is the propoganda/history that you would get in your school
textbooks. First of all, I would like to say that the Revolutionary
War was motivated by the greed of the colonists-not by a desire for
more individual liberty. (Some historians have said that before the
revolution the thirteen colonies had the highest standard of living
and lowest taxes in the Western world!) We all know about the Boston
Tea Party because there is a political movement today named after it.
We have been taught that the Boston tea Party was motivated by reb-
ellion against taxes. Ex-President Bush was disappointed that the
French did not join us in the Iraq war so, according to FOX, he wanted
to change the name French Fries to Freedom Fries. (Some say they were
not really invented in France!) Didn't Busch realize that if not for
French military aid we probably would have lost the Revolution?
Now, on to World War Two. We all know that the Pearl Harbor bombing
was what ultimately brought us in to the war. But few know that a lot
of Hitler's philosophy was based on Darwinian evolution, as well as
the Philosophy of Frederick Nieche. The Germans were also taught by
Hitler that there were a lot of mysterious animals, such as the orox,
that he wanted to recreate. Also, Hitler wanted the Germans to worship
him, and possibly the Norse Gods. The Nazi movement begain partly because
of a cult called the Thule cult. This cult believed that Germans were
descended from extra-terrestials, or gods, that landed in Scandinavia
and therefore the Nazis belived that they were the master race. In the
beer halls of Bavaria, Hitler rabble-roused a bunch of Nazi thugs to
rebel against the Weimer republic.
Hitler was a poor student. He tried to be an artist but he was unable
to draw the human figure so, as a result, he could not get admitted to art school.
But, he then became a house painter. Then World War One broke out. Hitler
voluntered. He received a medal for bravery but did not rise above the
rank of corporal.
What a lot of people don't know is that the German military technology
was not as advanced as we originally believed. Then didn't have as many
tanks, ships, or aircraft. And they were using calvary! However, on the flip side, there was another
report that the Nazi government had more advanced weapons and that the rea-
son we won was because of greater numbers. The Germans were the first
to develop the jet engine. And they almost succeded in developing the
first atomic bomb!
The official story is that Germany surrendered when Hitler and
his wife comitted suicide. But, then a rumor went out saying that Hitler
escapd to South America. In fact, our CIA investigated this rumor but
could not find evidence to back it up.
I will cover more U.S. histry in the future, but not on this page.
Now for some ancient history.
We all know, from the Bible, the story of how king Xerxes conquered
Isreal. But Isreal had a friend, Queen Esther. By seduceing either Xerxes
or his son Prince Hamon, Esther became queen of Persia and helped lib-
erate the Isrealites. For more information on this, watch the Christian
movie One Night With the King. You can also read about this in the works of
Flavious Jophesus. I, on the other hand, do not know much about the story
of Xerxes and Esther.
When Darious was king of Persia, he led his military against Alexander
two times. But, both times Alexander led his military straight in to the
heart of the Persian military and scared them to retreat.
I will now give you some Egyptian history. This is just about the New
Kingdom since I don't know much about the old. The first great New Kingdom
pharouh was Ammon Hotup. The second great pharouh was Ammon Hotup's son,
Ognoten. Ognoten wanted to do away with the pantheon of gods that were
worshiped under Ammon Hotup's rule. Ognoten wanted Egyptians to worship
only the sun god.
The pantheon of Gods, prior to Ognoton, were led by the god Rah and also
by the god of the underworld Onubus.
After Ognoton, came pharouh king Tut. Then King Tut was followed by the
Ramsey pharouhs. There were a total of eleven of these. The greatest was
Ramsey the second-so he has been known as Ramsey the Great. During his
reign, the Egyptian New Kingdom was at the peak of its power and glory. Egypt
went in to a steady decline after him.
this concludes this brief history. will
at a later date.
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The Poonsivey Prison Match
David Burr
Was Jesus rerally divine? Did he even exist?
I-Poonsivey-have brought several experts. Lee Sturbel
believes in his divinity and the other expert,
Dusty Smith, believes that he never existed.
Lee Sturbel
The best evidence of his former existence comes from
the New Testament in the bible. The synoptice gospels,
Matthew, Mark, and Luke, were all allegedly written
three years after his death. If I could substantiate
this, that means that these three gospels were written
by reliable witnesses. Now, if you look in these gospels,
you will find that Matthew was a tax collector and he
was listed in the King James version as being Matthew the
Publican. A publican was a tax collector. I'm not sure
who Mark was in relationship to Jesus, but I believe
he was an eyewitness. Luke was a physician, who Paul
later described in the book of Acts. Now, the gospel
of John was a personal gospel. It was written fifty
years after the death of Jesus, by someone who was very
close to him. The other three gospels were meant to be
historical records.
Next I will say that, aside from the four gospels, Jesus
was also mentioned by symbolic language in the Old Testament
by all the prophets, and also King David, and Moses. The
best non-biblical evidence I can give for his resurrection
is the Shroud of Turin and the fact that no one has found
evidence of his bones-at least by my knowledge. Other evidence
for his resurrection is contained in the writings of Flavios
Josephus. Other evidence to back up the four gospels are
the Dead Sea scrolls and the writings of a Roman historian,
Plenty the Younger. Also, the bones of the high priest, Joseph
Kiyafis, have been discovered. Archeological writings have
been found that substantiate the Jesus story.
Dusty Smith
First of all we don't know for sure if there really was a Creator,
let alone Jesus. The majority of scientific evidence points to
evolution as a better theory than creation. The best evidence
that creationists, like Mr. Sturbel, can come up with is the fact
that the big bang is the only thing that we know of that got
the universe going. We can not yet determine who or what was behind
it. We could say that the universe is eternal and that the
big bang made everything in it. Or, we could say that two
parallel universe membranes collided together to make the big
bang. Of course, Lee Sturbel would probably say, "What was
behind the two parallel universes? What about the irreduceable
complexity of a single cell?" I would reply, "It is like a mousetrap
versus a tie clip. For one, you have the mousetrap which is
irreduceably complex. Then you have the tie clip which is
simply a mousetrap with some of its pieces removed." And just
like that analagy, I will also use this to describe the same
thing. A single-celled organism can break down to a more simpl-
istic single-celled organism. That is how life can evolve from
simple to complex.
But enough about this creation versus evolution. Let us go back
to the issue of whether or not Jesus existed. First of all, I
would like to say that the four gospels are not the only ones.
There are others, known as the Gnostic gospels, that suggest Jesus was
not divine. They also contain some information that suggested
that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that they had chil-
dren and ended up moving to Egypt. There is a site on Google
which mentions that they have descendants that are alive today
and call themselves the Sinclairs. Historians are not sure
if the Shroud of Turin is really the burial cloth of Jesus, or
just a painting. Also, the writings of Flavios Josephus were
proven to be a fraud. This info can also be found on Google.
If the writing of Josephus are proven to be a fraud we can not
prove that Jesus even existed, let alone was divine! There are archeologists
that think they have found the bones of Jesus. This is men-
tioned on a documentary titled, "The Lost Tomb of Jesus."
This concludes another session of the Poonsivey Prison Match
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The Poonsivey Prison Match
David Burr
Join me, David Burr, and my co-host Poonsivey, in what I have desribed as the Poonsivey prison mach
debate forum. The following is a debate that I'm having with myself and a fictional character named
Poonsivey. In this debate we will hear from several fictional scientists and several real ones. The first two
scientists are Benjenstein and Hitchenheimer:
" I, Benjenstein, will attempt to prove that evolution is an unquestionable reality. Several physicists will
be assisting me. Two of these scientists are string theorists. There names are Brian Greene and Mejo Dekoko.
Stephen Hawking will be assisting me also. He is a bubble theorist. There is one more assistant physicist-
Mitchen Haumberg-who is a universe-multiverse theorist. I will be talking about biology and my assistants
will be talking only about physics. So let me present Brian Greene.
' I, Brian Greene, want to first point out to all of you that all the theories that we would like to point
out to you tonight are little more than brilliant mathematical constructs. There is little more than math to
substantiate each theory. Let us talk about the big bang theory. Now we know, because of the 60 Hertz
AC hum from the grid, that the big bang theory is the most provable one. The big bang theory says that at
approxiamtely 14,000,000,000 years ago matter collided with anti-matter and neutrinos to create this big
bang. That is a summary of big-bang theory. Stephen Hawking belives strongly in this, as well as another theory that we will cover later, known as bubble theory. But, I belive in a different theory, Let me start off by saying
that if you scale down to approximately ten to the minus 10th power you are down to the level of the
quantum world. If you go to ten to the minus 32nd you go to the level of the string. Now I would like to take
the time to explain the details of string theory. There are roughly four types of this theory:
(1) M theory. This holds that there are ten dimensions of space and one of time.
(2) regular string theory which states that there are nine dimensions of space and one of time
(3) super string and the DNA of reality theory. This theory is similar to the big-bang theory. Like the
big bang theory, this theory states that there are four dimensions-three of space and one of
space-time. But, it states that there were two parallel universes that collided.
(4) the bulk-space theory. States that the ten spatial dimensions are part of a larger bulk space
and, because of this, the dimensions are stacked miles apart from each other and that space
is billions of times larger than we had originally thought. But, even though the dimensions are
millions of miles apart, it amounts to only five or ten miles on our planet.
I I would also like to take you on a brief tour of the quantum world because quantum mechanics is very
important to string theory. First of all, when talking about quantum mechanics as well as all other theories
that are attached to it, you have got to start off simply and work your way to the complex. Keeping things
simple, I would first like to say that if you roll a ball down a bowl and it goes the hole at the middle that is a de-
monstration of the laws of motion. Then if you do two to or more balls at the level of the quantum world
that is a demonstration of quantum mechanics. Now if you do the same thing where no charge is conserved
it creates time-like particles in your theory. Time-like particles are similar to tacheon. Therefore your theory
of any kind is rendered mathematically useless.
Now, I would like to say that if you hold out your right hand and do a back flip that is a rotation about the
X axis. If you hold out your left hand and do a back flip that is a rotation about the Y axis. Then there is the
SO32 string. This string is meant to vibrate in 32 dimensions. Then you have closed strings and open strings. With
the closed strings, you have modes and nodes of vibration.
Now I would like to say something about M theory and regular stringn theory. M theory is just like regular
string theory except that it has one more dimension. Now with both forms of string theory you take Einsteins gravity
which is a replacement for the Newtonian laws of gravity. The Newtonian laws merely state that gravity is an invisible
force which pulls you to the ground. Einsteins laws state that gravity is a warping of the space time fabric. As you
all physics students know, gravity is the weakest of the forces.
Electromagnestism is the next force I want to introduce. This force was discovered by James Clark Maxwell. This
force easily overtakes gravity because it prevents us from falling in to the center of the earth.
Then, there is the strong nucelar force.This is the force that binds subatomic particles together. Then we have the
weak nuclear force which pulls subatomic particles apart. However, in a black hole, gravity overtakes all these other forces.
Now, there are parallel universes that are woven in to the fabric of this universe.'
I, Benjenstein, would like to say that approximately 4.5 billion yeaRS the earth and planets were formed. Sometime before
then there was a supernova at the edge of the solar system. Dust, gases, and rocks gather by gravitational attraction and
formed the sun and planets. Then,we have the earth. Now, the earth at that time was a pile of molten rock. It was constantly
being bombarded by asteroids. Somewhere in that time a planet named Thea collided with our planet. Dust and debris from the
earth went flying in to space and created our moon. Next, asteroids carrying ice hit our planet. The ice melted forming the bodies
of water that we see today. However, any theory states that volcanos spewed gas thus causing it to rain for millions of years.
Then, about 3.5 billion years ago, the first microscopic bacteria formed. This was microscopic algae.
Then the first photosynthesis took place. This microscopic algae elvod in to multi-celled creatures which led to sea creatures
then amphibians, then reptiles, and eventually to man."
Now I would like to present Hitchenheimer:
"I, Hitchenheimer, would like to say that the universe is far to complex, right down to the single celled organisms, for evolution.
You see, the way irreduceable complexity works, is you have a bacteria flugellum. If you remove just one of the pieces of this
flugellum, just like you if you remove one piece of a motor, it fails to operate. what Benjenstein fails to mention is you
need both DNA and RNA to have life. Amino acids just don't organize themselves in to proteins. Because of this irreduceable
complexity of singler celled organisms, life could not have evolved in to vast diversity of today. And you also have to consider
the gaps in the fossil records. Then you have to consider the Austin chalk. This chalk was formed by the global flood. Also the
wreckage of Noah's ark was found on Mt. Ararat. This does not mean that the entire planet was flooded, just the known world
back in Noah's time.
then you have the fact that space is still expanding. You see, time is relative throughout the universe, as Einstein proved.
You see, God streched out the space fabric. As he did this time was passing the same in deep space as on our planet. This proves
that the earth and deep space can not be as old as they say."
"Now I, Benjenstein, would like to interject. First of all, it takes billions of years for light to pass through the un-
iverse. Therefore the universe has to be billions of years old. Second, your argument for irreduceable complexity can be easily
shut down in one word: time. You see, when you factor in the passage of evolutionary time and you factor in the fact that if you
remove one part from the bacteria flugellum, you may not have a bacteria flugellum anymore. What you have instead, is the
bacteria thet caused the bubonic plague. It is the same way that if you remove one of the parts from a mousetrap it is no longer
a mousetrap-instead it is a tieclip. And don't get me started on the global flood myth. You are right that it could not have
have been global. Consider the logic of how an ark could rest on this mountain. This Mt. Ararat is surrounded by high land-
the sea would probably have to rise at least four thousand feet from its present level for an ark to rest there!"
Now, let me present Mitchen Haumberg:
"I, Mitchen Haumberg, have to say that the universe might have formed not as a result from a big bang but rather from hundreds
of universes. Our universe might have been one of the few universes with life formed from a long series of multiverse."
Now let me present Stephen Hawking:
"I, Stephen Hawking, would just like to say that I belive that the universe is shaped like a dome and is eternal. The laws
of physics inside of a vacuum creating everyhing inside it. Either that, or there was a giant black hole at the beginning of
the universe and, because time stands still inside of a black hole, there would not have been any time for a creator. Both of
these theories prove that God does not exist."
"Now I, Hitchenheimer, will interject. If God does not exist who created the vacuum and the black hole?"
Let me present Poonsivey who will introduce my good friend Dale Holsinger. Dale and I believe that the universe is an
illusion and therefore is held together by the human mind. Therefore, there is not any need for a god. Now for Hitchenheimer
with his final interjection:
"If the universe is an illusiion why do we experience pain?"
the end
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Inventions by Tesla and Ideas by Me
David Burr
As we all know, Nicola Tesla invented the poly-phase
system for generating electric power. This is the most
widely used system today.
But he also invented many other things, many of which
did not get patented. Amoung the one-hundred and twenty
which did get patented are the Tesla coil. Probably the
most famous of those that did not get patented is the death ray.
The death ray works by linking together a series of Tesla
coils that are contained within a vacuum tube. The elec-
tricity travels down the tube thrugh the coils and shoots
out the end.
Another invention that did not get patented is the mind
reading device. Tesla intended for this device to be able
to both read brain waves and your thoughts. No one knows
whether or not this device was a success. However, the
designs of todays catscasns are based partly on Tesla's
design of this device.
But I have an idea for a device that can not only read
brain waves. I want this device to also be able to read
thoughts and them send them in to outer space. The device
would be connected, by wire, to a net with a small antenna.
You would type a message from your computer keyboard and
this would send a signal to the net. Another wire would connect
the antenna to a small electric generator, which would
send a low voltage signal to the net. The net will surround
your head with electrodes. These would generate a small
current in to the brain and the current will go from the
frontal lobe to the cerebral cortex and cerebrum. Then
back out the frontal lobe and in to the net. The net will
be connected to a small pair of goggles. The goggles will
capture the light that is going through the eyes in to the
brain. Then the net, which is constantly sending signals
back and forth in to the brain, will gather up the light
from the goggles. The thoughts will be transmitted, by wire
to the computer. The computer would then transmit these
thoughts to a larger computer which would then subsequently
send your thoughts, via antenna, to outer space. In space
they could be sent to any planet in our solar system, via
a satellite. The thoughts would be summoned by the computer
on the ground through the satellite. Then the satellite
would send the thoughts back to the antenna and then in
to the brain. Then the satellite would send to the antenna
the infromation your thoughts gathered while they were in
space. Quite a learning experience!
Tesla tried to invent the wireless transmission of electricity,
because he was well aware of the fragility of the power grid.
Unfortunately, he did not succeed. But I have an idea. Why
not send current in to the air-up to the ionesphere? Extract
current from the ions. Then send the current to an antenna
and in to a battery, at the ground level. From the battery
this power would be transmitted, via other antennas, to the
consumers who would receive this power by way of their own
antennas or satellites.
We have 5G technology, which can do this to a certain
extent. Unfortunately, this technology is dangerous because
it can fry your brain. For more information on 5G, go to
Google and then type in Tesla/5G technology
The next idea that I have in the confines of my possesion
is an idea that either aliens or our military has allegedly
come up with. That is the flying saucer. (I'm aware of how
much this violates the known laws of physics!) The saucer
would send an anti-gravity wave downward. This would create
an anti-gravity stream around the saucer, which would cause our
planets gravity to temporarily go in reverse around the per-
imiter of the saucer, thus causing the saucer to hover for
a few seconds. Then jet propulsion would kick in around the
saucer edges causing the saucer to take flight in to the
upper atmosphere and then in to deep space. It would pick a
destination. When there, it would tap in to the gravitational
polarity. The gravitational polarity would enable the saucer
to land safely.
This is my final idea for now. It is a teleportation device.
This would have a wrist communicator which would tap in to a
super computer. The computer would send a small wave of electromagnetic
energy which would course throughout your entire molecular
structure, seperate the individual molecules, and then recon-
figure them somewhere else.
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A Brief Summary of History
David Burr
The Tutor Dynasty
The first of the Tutors was King
Henry VIII. The next of the Tutors
was Mary Tutor. After Mary Tutor it
was Queen Elizabeth I. There were also
some Tutors in between but I don't know
their names. King Henry VIII was the
last of the Henrys.
Napolean Bonaparte
All I can say about him is that he was
defeated when he invaded Russia and that
his career ended when he was defeated by
Britian and Prussia at the battle of
Now for the history of some
Euclid invented what we now know as
modern high school geometry. His chief pupil
was Archimedes.
Newton was an alcomist. He also
invwntwd calculus and discovered the
strength of gravity.
Einstein would carry this a step further
by explaining how gravity affected the
space time fabric.
Farady showed how electromagnetism
could be used to generate electric power.
Tesla and Marconi can be given equal
credit for the invention of radio.
DeForest invented the electron tube, which
made radio practical.
James Clark Maxwell unified electricity
and magnetism to make electromagnetism.
Ben Franklin discovered that lightning
is electricity. He also invented bifocals
and the pot-bellied wood stove.
Max Plunk invented the shortest unit of
measurement. It is called the plunk length.
Lorentz discovered something about relat-
ivity called the Lorentz contraction. This
states that as something approaches the speed
of light its length is shortened.
Philo Farnsworth has been credited for
inventing electronic television.
Now for some history of Greek philosophers
If Socrates were alive today and in an
award show, he would ask, "Are you applauding
me for this award or are you applauding
yourselves for living in a world where these
awards exist?" He also believed the possibility
that we do not exist but are instead characters
in a dream.
Nicholas Capernicus discovered that the earth
revolves around the sun before Galileo did. He
also came up with the capernican principle
which states that the earth is nothing more than
a pale blue dot and that all Earth life is
essentially meaningless.
Dagart said, "I think therefore I am."
Now for some Meso-American history
The Mayans were the first Native American
tribe in Mexico. They invented a game, simil-
ar to soccer, in which you would get sacrificed
to their gods if you won. The Mayans were con-
quered by the Incas. The Incas were conquered by
the Aztecs who in turn were were conquered by
the Taltecs. The Taltecs were conqured by the
Spainish conquistadores.
A Brief Summary of the Laws of Physics,
From Newton to Hawking, and How to Violate Them
David Burr
First of all, Isaac Newton. It was Isaac Newton that discovered
the strength of gravity. He also discovered that for every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Now, on to Einstein. Before Einstein, scientists believed that the
speed of light was manipulated by something called the lunitherous
ether. But Einstein proved that the speed of light was constant and
always traveled at speed C. He also discovered that mass has a tre-
mendous amount of energy-everyone knows this famous formula equa-
tion- E = mc2 (energy equals mass times the square of the speed of light)
And Einstein also discovered that gravity, rather than just simply
being a force that holds objects on the ground (as Newton believed),
also creates warps and curves in the space time fabric which holds
planets, moons, etc. in their orbits.
James Maxwell discovered the theory of electromagnetism before
Einstein discovered gravity.
Quantum mechanics was discovered after the discovery of general
Then, after the discovery of quantum mechanics, the strong and
weak nuclear forces were discovered. Later on it was discovered that
even though gravity was the weakest of the forces gravity would event-
ually overtake all of the forces in a black hole. As a matter of fact,
gravity is so weak that, except for in a black hole, all other forces
are stronger than it. And only a very small amount of electromagnetism
is needed to keep our planet from collapsing.
Now, on to Stephen Hawking. He believed that the universe, approximately
14,000,000,000 years ago, was compressed in to one microscopic black
hole. Because time stands still in a black hole, Hawking believed that
there would not have been any time for a god. Also, Hawking, along with
Brian Greene and an Oriental scientist, were the first to believe in
string theory.
The difference between Hawking's and Greene's theory is that Hawking
believed that the parallel universes and string theory were stacked
upon each other in a higher dimensional bulk space. Greene belived that
our parallel universes were woven in to the fabric of our own universe
like sliced bread and that two parallel universes collided together to
make the big bang.
Now, the next thing that I would like to talk about is the Lorentz
contraction. The Lorentz contraction is the act of objects being shortened
as they approach the speed of light. (The relativity of space.)
Now, I would like to talk about the workings of a car engine. The spark
ignites the fuel in the combustion chamber.This produces power which pushes
down on the pistons. The pistons are connected to a crankshaft which, in
front wheel drive vehicles transmits power to the transaxle, and in rear
wheel drive vehicles to the transmission.
Next, I would like to talk about the principle of lift. When the aircraft
moves fast enough a force called lift is generated by the shape of the wings.
This causes the aircraft to fly.
Now, about cameras. And I'm only going to talk about conventional cameras-
those that use roll film. The way the camera works. Light reflects throgh the
camera lens collecting data. This data is projected on to roll film
Now, I would like to tell you about something that might be able to fly
without generating lift-thus going against all the well-known laws of physics.
This is a flying saucer! The way you would get a saucer to fly is to aim an
anti-gravity beam at the earth. The way you would do this is to reverse the flow
of gravity around the saucer-thus causing it to lift up. Then, once the saucer
is off the ground, the engine thrusters would kick in. This will cause the
saucer to spin and then zip off in to space. Once it is in space it will
generate a gravity beam which could attach itself to any body in space with
adequate gravity, thus pulling the saucer to this planet, moon, etc.smoothly.
The next law of physics I would like to talk about is relativity. There are
two ways to overcome the relativity barrier. One is to warp the space fabric
around the spacecraft thus creating a tunnel from one place to another.
Another way is to have the spacecraft be flown by remote control from the
ground.Then you would have electromagnetic energy tugging at both ends of
the craft-fighting against the Lorentz contraction. While the craft is flying,
the astronauts would be frozen unconscious in a cryogenic chamber. Then
once they got to their destination they would be thawed out and re-animated.
I would now like to talk about time travel. First I want to emphasize that
it is impossible to travel back in time-only forwards. To do this you would
have to create two microscopic black holes and then join them together to
create a wormhole going forward through the fabric of space and time.
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