The Most Extreme Political Conspiracy Theories
David burr
It was several years ago where I googled the United States of America Inc, and what I found was a conspiracy theory that is to hard for most people to believe but I believe it. It goes like this: Through the banking system, the British government secretly controls the U.S.A via all the money they keep in their banking system The concoction they have created is "The United States of America Inc." This conspiracy theory is believed by only a minority. It is a conspiracy theory that states that the Freemasons, the super rich, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, and other secret organizations, run our country. These conspiratoralists believe that these organizations have achieved this power because they have been unchecked for many years.
Another conspiracy theory-one that may actually have some truth-is the belief that our government has a secret project called the HARP project. I'm not sure what HARP stands for-think it is High Frequency Active Auroreal Project. (Think it is called auroreal because the science behind it is similar to what causes the auroreal borealus-ie northern lights?)Some conspiratorialist and I belive that this project is for population control, creating earthquakes, to manipulate weather, and even erase memory and brainwash you!
Some other other conspiracy theories that I would like to touch base on. Here is one that is believed by a significant percentage;The Mafia played a role in JFK's murder. now this theory could actually have some truth. Even though the Warren Commission, back in 1964, stated that Oswald acted alone, many people doubted this because there were witnesses reporting shots from other locations and the it has never been proven beyond doubt that the Zabruder film proved shots from just one location. And the Mafia certainly had a motive to murder Kennedy because his brother, Bob, was very agressively prosecuting them.
Also, at one time there was suspicion that Elvis faked his death. This suspicion was based on several things: Elvis was doing work for the FBI, in some way undercover, helping them catch drug dealers-he even had a code name! A woman wrote a book in which she claimed that a guy who looked just like Elvis with a name the same as his code name got an airplane ticket to fly out of the country shortly after his death. In spite of this, most people now don't believe this theory because they don't trust the author. Also, that Elvis tape was proven to be a hoax.
This concludes my thoughts on sequnces of conspiracy theories
I would also like to say that the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and the Illuminati are all playing a part in rigging our elections. Thus the president, regardless of who he or she is, is nothing more than a pawn. I would also like to state that both the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers own 99.9% of the world. There are only two countries that are not owned by this faction-Iran and Syria. I believe that is why former president, Bush Jr., called Iran part of an axis of evil. I also believe that all wars are fake-most are the result of the Rockefellers and Rothchilds. I believe that our motive for going to war in the Middle East is just to get control of their oil. I also believe that 09/11 was an inside job.
I also believe that through two processes, that are both done by chemtrails, the government is secretly putting aluminum berrium, and strontium, in to our atmosphere. This process is called solar radiation management (SRM). There is also another process known as strategic ariel geoengineering.
Both of these processes are designed to poison us and thus significantly reduce the population. There is also a process called MK ultra. MK ultra is a process in which the government uses mind control to control us.
Want to hear this? The vast majority of our food, especially in fast-food restaurants, has GMO's (genetically modified organisms). And, something even scarier than that, pepsi contains cells from aborted fetuses! McDonalds also does this practice to make their food taste better! (I got this information from Google.)
I believe that our government is being controlled by reptilian aliens.
the end
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The RWO Platform
David Burr
I would like to be part of a political
party called the RWO, but also realize that
such a party would not get far in this
country because the platform would be out
of touch with most Americans. Some of the
goals in this party would be:
Raise taxes on the wealthy
Cut taxes for the middle class
no tax liability for the poor
a constitutional amendment to eliminate sales taxes
a foreign policy with no entanglements or alignments
socialized medicene
nationalize the auto and petroleum industries
clean energy-no fossil fuels
power distribution without a grid
increrase funding for NASA
demand equal time for creation and evolution theories in public schools
offer alternative views of American and world history in public schools
offer alternative views of science in public schools
taxpayer funded elections
both a wall and drones to protect the Mexican border
change zoning laws to make housing more affordable
making sure free trade is fair
outlaw abortions except for in cases of rape or incest
outlaw fracking for petroleum and natural gas
do away with the Federal Reserve
legalize recreationaL marijuana
create a nationwide anti-bullying campaign
transgender bathrooms in all school buildings
eliminate sexual orientation discrimination for government jobs
abolish feminism (feminists goals have already been achieved)
make sure that teaching art is given equal time in public schools
encourage school system integration as much as possible
Increase handgun control to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill
put troops across every border to guard against terrorism
eliminate laws that make it hard for labor unions to form
change the definition of disabled to include anyone who is not capable of making a living wage
This would be determined by IQ and other tests taken all the way up to high school
Make anyone who is diagnosed with a mental illness eligible for disability
mandatory psychiatric evaluations for veterans returning home after experienceing combat and other war stresses
double social security income for those on disability and also for retirees
a tripling of social security benefits for retired veterans.
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Some Philosophy
David Burr
First of all, I would like to say that this
is just philosophy because there is not any
hardcore evidence to back it up.
What if the reflectionn through the eyes
reflects a picture in to a mans soul. You
go deep in to the collective consciousness
and then in to the core of your very being.
You project your mental energies outward in
to society. In return, society, while working in
unison with you, projects your energies out in
to space. The energies reach the Solemn Sing-
ularity. Then the Solemn Singularity projects
its energy out to all of humanity. The energy
goes to the core of our planet where it gets
captured in to the Universal Whole.
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The Theory of Everything
David Burr
First of all, I would like to say the philosopher LaRae
DeCarte said, "I think therefore I am." Now what that implies
is we think therefore we exist. So if we can imagine that we
think therefore we exist, by that logic you can infer the
existence of a creator. Now, Neville Goddard said,"God is your
own wonderful human imagination." He also said, "Man is only
imagination. An assumption-even if false-will harden in to fact
if you persist in and act on that assumption."
Now for some string theory. String theory says that the universe is like
sliced bread. Picture how a loaf of bread is sliced. The bread
represents the fabric of space and time and there are parallel
universes woven in to the fabric of our universe. Two parallel
universes collided together to make the big bang. Remember DeCarte's
A brief summary of the history of the universe from the beginning
to the present:
The universe began approximately 14,000,000,000 years ago The
earth was formed approximately 4.5,000,000,000 years ago. It was
formed from the coalescing of dust particels that were joined
together by their gravitational attraction. The sun and all of the
planets were formed by this same preocess. The sun and the gas giant
planets were formed by the coalescing of gas and other subatomic
particles. Approximately 3.5,000,000,000 years ago-right after
the late to mid heavy bombardment when asteroids and comets were
striking the earth frequently. During the late to mid heavy bombardment,
an earth-sized planet named Thea collided with our planet and the
dust and debris from this collision coalesced to form the moon.
After the heavy bombardment, microscopic algae was formed. This
algae released oxygen in to the air which enabled water vapor to
condense in to clouds causing rain for millions of years. After that the ocenas and seas
were formed. Then the first microscopic bacteria. That bacteria evolved in to
the first macroscopic life-such as jellyfish. Then cam the first arthropods-
such as brontoscorpion, terragotus, and anavlocaurus. Now, brontoscorpion was the
first creature to walk on dry land. The first amphibian to walk
on dry land was hynerpitant. After that was the period of time known as mammal-
like reptiles. These were postacircaus which was an apex predator
and aslinadot. Now, this period was succeded by the period known as the
age of the dinasaurs which began with a dinasaur called celiphisaus. The
dinasaurs died out at the end of the Jurrasic period when a mass extinction
occured. This occured either because of a strike by a giant asteroid or
because of a series of supervolcano eruptions. Then we entered in to the
age of mammals. The first mammals were small shrew-like creatures Then larger
mammals, such as the saber-toothed cats and mammoths and mastadons,
entered the picture. This all occured during the period of time known as
the plastacene. Then the period of the ape-men arrived. There were two
seperate species of ape men, authropithecene afarenses-which is our
ancestor and who we recognize as Lucy, and authropithecene robustus
which was an evolutionary dead end. Now, the afarenses branched off in to
two seperate species. One was the homo habelus, otherwise know as the
handyman or tool maker. The homo habelus developed a large brain from
the animal fat that it consumed from the bone marrow from the carcases
that it cracked open. Homo habelus was a scavenger. The reason homo
habelus survived was because of its diversified diet. The other afarenses-
afarenses boisei-did not survive because it did not diversify its diet.
Homo habelus went on to evolve in to homo erectus. Homo erectus branched
off in to homo neanderthalus and homo sapiens. We know that homo neanderthalus
main source of food was mastadons and mammoths. So when these died out
the neanderthals died out as well. A few neanderthals survived and intermarried
with homo sapiens. This resulted in the formation of homo sapien sapien-
modern man.
Now at this point I want to remind you of the quote, "I think therefore
I am."
Some facts about psychology and neurology:
First I would like to start with neurology. The tealancephalon-also known
as the cortex-is the outer layer of the brain. Just inward from there is the
dialoncephalon. The middle layer is known as the mesancephalon. The last
two layers are the metincephalon and the myaloncephalon. At the extreme rostral
part of the brain is the frontal lobe. In the frontal lobe is the cerebral
cortex which is responsible for higher order thinking. Directly cottal to
that is the perital lobe. Now, the perital lobe is responsible for your
spacial layout, such as your ability to draw. Also, your sematacentury
cortex is located within the perital lobe. The sematacentury cortex is
responsible for phantom limb syndrome. Now, this cortex is responsible for
your body map. Phantom limb syndrome is a condition in your brain sends
out neuro impulses to a missing limb, thus making a person think that that
limb still exists when it really doesn't. Amputees often experience this condi-
tion. The way to treat this is to use a mirror box. The mirror box tricks
the brain in to thinking that everything is operating normally so that the
signals to the missing limb are shut down. Now at the extreme cottal part of
the brain is the obsipatol lobe. The obsipatol lobe is where the visual cortex
is. I will explain the visual system to you later.
For now let me explain to you blindsight. The way normal vision works is it
goes through the pupil to the retinal ganglea, to the optic nerve and is processed in the
visual cortex. That is the way it normally works in higher mammals, especially
human beings. The visual center of lower mammals, such as mice and rats-as well as reptiles
and amphibians is radically different. This is, in evolutionary terms, the
original vision system. Now they still have pupils, a retinal ganglea, and an
optic nerve, but instead of being processed in the visual it is processed in the
temporal lobe at the bottom of the brain. People with blindsight can not process
visual images-they can only detect motion.
Now for psychology: Schizophrenia can happen in two ways. One way is an imbalance
of dopamine between the synapses. A synapse is where the dendrite of one neuron
meets the andrite of another neuron. Another cause of schizophrenia is a mis-
formation of short axon neurons. Remember the quote, "I think therefore I am."
Also philosophical matters: Now remember the Einstein equation E=mcsquared. The
reason I brought that up is because, according to Einstein, the universe is mostly
energy and there is just enough mass to hold it together. You can imagine that since
the universe is mostly energy God must be a cognitive energy pattern. We know from
neurology that a persons mind is simply energy flowing through the brain. If both our mind
and God are energy then it is not hard to imagine God being our imagination. After all,
the human imagination has created lots of things throughout time. The mind is the
most powerful thing a person has. Throughout our evolution remember that life
started as microbes. Then came about multi-cellular life, then arthropods, fish, amphibians,
mammals, then all the way up to modern man. The reason I said this is each evolution
of life represents a state of human consciousness. Ape-man represents the primitive
mind before he realizes his God consciousness. We will continue to pregress in our
evolution until we reach neo-humanity. From there we will be reunited with the God
energy, which is our mind. Then we will be one with the universe.
Now since we are basically energy it isn't hard to imagine that the collective
consciosness of humanity could be holding the universe together. Neville Goddard said,
"God came down because he wanted to experience what it was like to be mortal. That
is why every human has to reach the God potential that is in all of us. Essentially
people are all gods." Now, as powerful as the mind is, this is not hard to imagine.
The bible states in Genesis that we are made in Gods image. What this is stating is
that we are quantum gods. (I said this before. I am merely reiterating) In the book of
Proverbs it says, "As a man thinks in his heart so is he." In either the book of Hebrews,
or one of Paul's epistles, it talks about parallel universes. It states that God made
the heavens and the worlds. In both cases both words are plural. So, we know from the bible,
as well as string theory, that there are parallel universes. I say this not because I
take the bible literally but because I want to show Christians that parallel universes
are scripteral.
Neville Goddard said, "Before you receive the promise you are going to see a vision of
King David. King David will appear to you as a young man. That is an indication that you
are going to receive the promise. Right before the promise is manifested to you, you
will see a vision of the virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus wrapped in a cloth. This means
that you will achieve being one with the universe when you die. If you do not recieve the
promise you will continue to come back to a world like this to continue the journey.
These other worlds exist in parallel universes."
Back to mental illness: If you are mentally ill you have the propensity toward having
an inferiority complex. This is obviously a hindrance to you developing your God potential
regardless of whether or not you believe you are God.
So we have been from ape to human and we will eventually all realize our God potential
and enjoy our rightful place in the universe.
Other religions believe in a pantheon of gods. The bible backs this up as well because in
Genesis it says, "Let us make man in our image." Wouldn't common sense take this to mean
that there are more than one god? Or could the word our allude to the angels or the trinity?
However the bible also makes it clear that the trinity is one and angels are not considered
gods-but messengers of god. So in all likelihood the word our is alluding to the existence
of other gods. (Of course the bible states that we are to worship only one god!) This is
why true Christians and Jews are not monotheists. They are monolatrists. A monotheist is
one who acknowledges only one god, while a monolatrist is one who acknowledges the existence
of multiple gods but worships only one. So, all religions belive in either one god or a
pantheon of gods. Belief in a god goes all the way back to ancient times. Because people
have almost always believed in God logic would dictate that there must be a god out there somewhere.
Now, let us take a look at the visual center of our brain and how it has an impact on
angels and demons. Remember how I said that light goes in through the pupil, in through the retina
down the optic nerve, through the lateral geniculuc nucleas, and then to the visual cortex
where the information is processed. Now, you know how the mind is basically the energy in
our brain. This energy is so powerful that it might explain how it is possible-being that our
imagination is God-that a projection of our consciousness from our minds through our eyes
could project the outside world around us. In other words, everything we see around us is
projected through our eyes and then made up in our imagination. If you believe that a holigram
is possible you must learn to see the world around us as a solidified holigram. Remember
Einsteins theory E=mcsquared? What if you were to take that and shorten it to just E-imagin-
ing that the universe is simply energy? With that being said, if all that we see is merely a
projection of our mind and everything has a positive or negative to it, then everything that
we see could be either an angel or a demon-depending on your perspective. Example: If you see
a vicious dog that could be a demon. Or if you see a nice dog that could be your guardian angel.
This is all of course a construct of your mind. What your mind makes out of it is what it is.
Keep in mind that life today is still evolving-everything from the simplist mitocondria
to us humans. Recapitulation models hydrogeny. What this shows is as a person or animal is forming
in the mothers womb that that embryo as it begins to form starts out looking like a fish, but
just before birth takes its full shape.
WE know through mud skippers and lungfish that life began in the ocean. A mud skipper is a fish
that lives primarily in the ocean but can come out on dry land. A lungfish is self-explanatory.
It is simply a fish that does not require gills. I don't know about you but to me these represent
transitional forms-thus substantiating evolution. What this all means is everything is going to
go unevolving until it reaches God consciousness.
I think therefore I am. We think therefore we are. It thinks therefore it is.
the end
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