Mick Burr
Mick Burr


My dog is for me at the center. When deciding on a dog you decide while making sure to take responsibility for a living creature. I want to cater to any event of this responsibility.

Dogs send mixed signals, you should know as a dog owner definitely. There are, for example, so-called "Calming Signals", which uses the dog to signal conspecifics and man, that he has no evil in mind. You can also mean that the dog submits or is under stress.

Welcome to Dog School Bello

Dog is not the same dog, there are infinitely many different breeds and hybrids, but they are all special. Anyone who is thinking of buying a pet and especially a dog, should advance reading relevant literature.

Café and bar in Berlin

Flair, charm, and a congenial atmosphere set us apart. Our friendly team is at your beck and call every day of the week to serve your choice of refreshment from our varied menu. Drop by and experience our unique ambience for yourself.

Toni’s - your home from home

Welcome to Dog School Bello

Dog is not the same dog, there are infinitely many different breeds and hybrids, but they are all special. Anyone who is thinking of buying a pet and especially a dog, should advance reading relevant literature.

Quality born of tradition

Bike 24, your motorbike specialist in New York.

Customized: Your Shoe Schuster 24!

From casual, sporty to dress wear - you’re sure to find the shoe you’re looking for here. To make sure you’re not sacrificing style for comfort, check out our collection and visit our store for friendly and knowledgeable advice from our trained shoe professionals. From casual, sporty to dress wear - you’re sure to find the shoe you’re looking for here. To make sure you’re not sacrificing style for comfort, check out our collection and visit our store for friendly and knowledgeable advice from our trained shoe professionals.


Café and bar in Berlin

Flair, charm, and a congenial atmosphere set us apart. Our friendly team is at your beck and call every day of the week to serve your choice of refreshment from our varied menu. Drop by and experience our unique ambience for yourself.

Toni’s - your home from home

Bike 24, your motorbike specialist in New York.

Tradition and modernity

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Our new single »Berlin rocks!« is now available in stores.

Quality born of tradition

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Hemingway’s, a cafe and bar in Berlin, offers cocktails, coffee and cake, light dishes, an interesting ambience and a diverse program.

About us

Join the revolution! Stand up to runaway capitalism. Investigate all conspiracy theories no matter how improbable. Stand up for change.

the RWO

The following is the official platform of the Revolutionary World Order: The RWO will cut taxes for the middle class and stick it to the rich and powerful by raising taxes on them, will stand for free health care and education, reduce pollution by getting rid of the CFCs, attempt to eliminate the power grid by trying to employ Nikola Tesla's inventions, spend more money on science and education,  try to penalize big business for taking their jobs out of our country, and change laws so that low class housing can b e mixed with upper class housing. IF you are inststed in bying my blood python's contacked my David Burr at 941-377-5733. I also have poetry and art work on sale for$10.00 a piece or best offer. Ihave samples of all these items on my website.

Welcome to the RWO

Welcome to the rwo

HI wlcome toTHE RWO<< New heading >>DAVID BURR

Welcome to our Wellness & Spa Ressort!

The Galactic Energy by David Burr You look up at heavens gate Then you ponder your ultimate fate. We had the ultimate chemistry. As you feel the galactic energy. You hear a perpetual bliss, As you open your consciousness. You look inside the totality of your ultimate reality, And you stay for a while. You open the great master file. You gaze inside your heart, As you see your fear depart. You reach inside your throat You pull out your intestinal wall. As fear overtakes you and your pride begins to fall. You see the eye of the shadow realm and every atrocity, As you come down and you behold the world, And you see it from the perspective of recapitulation models hydrogeny. You feel kind of eerie Because you believe in evolutionary theory.


Welcome to the official website of the RWO-the Revolutionary World Order. The revolution will come to order. Join the revolution.

I, David Burr, have within the confines of my posession some baby snakes for sale at $100 to $150 each. They are Borneo blood pythons. Three to four of them are healthy and the other is questionable. I also sell poetry and art work. I have examples of this poetry and art work on my website. The poetry and art work I have on sale for $10. a piece.


JOINE the REVOLUTION as we give the middle finger to donald tramp ron Dansantis and Republicans a like

the rwo

mr. trump go to hell

the RWO



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Welcome to Mick Burr.  the official website of the RWO (Revolutionary World Order) The RWO will deal with runaway capitalism and make life easier for spiritual socialists. Join the revolution-make a better world! 


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© Mick Burr